Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Our Son-in-law, BOB

It has recently been pointed out to me that I have left a very important person out of my blog so far. (Although I did mention that I have two very special sons-in-law!) So anyway, I want to say a few things about one of the very special sons-ln-law now. God just seemed to drop Bob into Shelley's life quite unexpectedly at a crucial time in her life. When they fell in love, it happened fast (maybe on the phone from Florida! - he called her while she was with us on vacation and they talked for hours) and things progressed quickly after that. We are so happy that they have a happy marriage - they seem to treat each other in a very loving way and Bob obviously loves his wife and son! We appreciate him so much not only as a son-in-law, but as a friend! :)


Unknown said...

Up and posting already?!

I'm sure that Mr. O'Johannes will be flattered. =)

Mom Jones said...

You are obviously having a lot of fun being a blogger, Ruthanne! Isn't it a nice way to connect? I love the Psalm 112 passage on the side of your page and have even used verse four ("Even in darkness light dawns for the upright ... )on a lighthouse card (shock!) I made a few months ago ...

P.S. You are quite prolific! :)

just one man's thoughts said...

Thank you Ruthanne! Very nice compliments. I am honored and blessed to have been welcomed into your family as I have.

It's a fun picture of me and my little buddy!