Sunday, March 02, 2008


March 4 is Bob's birthday. Bob is our son-in-law and is married to our daughter, Shelley. They have one little boy, our little grandson, Matthew. Bob is very special to us. He is helpful, thoughtful, generous, AND he puts up with us the many times we call to come over or even when we just DROP BY! He has never made a face when he opens the door and sees me standing there unannounced. I try not to overdo the dropping in part, but I must confess that sometimes I do it. Bob is a very kind person. He is a loving husband and a good father!
Bob is one of seven children. He has three sisters and three brothers. His mom and dad live in Arizona, but visit Michigan periodically throughout the year. They have a home in Washington Township for when they visit here. His sister, Carol, lives nearby, and his brother, Tom, and wife Lisa, live in the area also in the house that Bob grew up in. His sister, Mary, and family live in Kentucky, and his brother Mark's family lives in Arizona as do his sister, Annie, and her family and his brother, Bill, and his family. Bob is a sports fan. He has been a Lions fan even though the Lions haven't had a winning season in years and years. But I like that about him! He is loyal. His favorite team, though, is the Boston Red Sox. He has followed them for many years and has always enjoyed watching them play. Bob, we hope you have a wonderful birthday today. We love you. You are a wonderful son-in-law! We are so happy that you are a part of our family!!   

1 comment:

Mom Jones said...

Along with all of the good stuff said about you by Ruthanne, you were the answer to my prayer for Shelley! I'm so thankful that she has such a nice person to share her life with! :)

Aunt Carol