Thursday, June 19, 2008

Shari's Baby Shower

Isn't Shari cute when she's pregnant? Shari is our youngest daughter and she is expecting her first baby - a little girl. This will be our first granddaughter and we are very excited. We already love being grandparents and now both Shelley and Shari are expecting. What fun!!  This baby shower was given by the girls in Shari's small group at the home of an older couple who have taken great care of Shari and Mark since they moved to NC. They all go to the same church.
Shari had a beautiful cake and we had a really nice time visiting with everyone. All of us got to guess the date of birth, time of birth, and weight of the baby - I guessed August 30, 5:00 PM and six and a half pounds. We'll see!

It was fun to watch Shari open her gifts and see all of the beautiful little girl things. She got lots of pretty things - I am always amazed how things have changed since I was expecting my children. Everyone was so generous and we had lots to pack up and take home.

This was a happy day for Shari. A couple of her co-workers couldn't make it to the shower, but most of her favorite people were there. I was really impressed with her friends - they were all so nice and personable. Four girls (including Shari) from their small group are seven months pregnant. All four are pregnant with girls and they are all due to have their babies within three weeks of each other! Three of them are going to the same hospital and one even has the same doctor and mid-wife! They have a lot of fun comparing their experiences so far, and I am sure they will have a great time after the babies are born comparing their birth experiences. The other three girls were at the shower, so I got to meet them all.

This picture was supposed to be at the top, but as usual I can't seem to always place these pictures in the right order!

These were the girls who attended the shower. The shower was at the home of the woman who is three from the left.

Shari is talking to Liz here. She doesn't go to Shari's church, but is a friend that Shari met through Mark's boss's wife. She is directly from England and has a strong British accent. She is a wonderful person and I had a good time with her. Oh! I actually managed to sneak into this picture. I really do exist!

Those of you who know Shari, know that she is a talker! This is at the end of the shower. Mark came in and we were getting ready to pack up, but were mainly standing around talking. (Especially Shari!) I was so glad that I was able to be at this important event. I don't get to see Shari often and I really miss her a lot!


Unknown said...

Thanks for posting all the pictures of her shower =)
Wish I could have been there...

Mom Jones said...

How nice for Shari that she has a few friends who are in the same situation she is ... that will be so much more fun for her. It's nice to see these pictures of her pregnant. She wears it very well!