Monday, April 06, 2009

Terry Turns ... (Only the cake will tell!)

Happy Birthday, Terry!

Terry had a momentous birthday on Saturday. He said that it really seemed wierd to be an age that he always thought was "old". I won't tell you the age because it is the same age I am turning in August. Now he knows that it is not really old!  He shared his cake with his sister, Barb, who just had a birthday last week.

We had a family party at our house. Ken and Sandy came, Barb and Ron, Aunt Shirley and Aunt Bev, and Shelley, Bob, Matthew, and Nolan. (and me) We had a great time eating and talking and opening presents.

Terry is reading his cards. He got a new golf bag, golf hat and golf glove. He also got some money and lots of cards.

Nolan was so cute all night and so good! He just talked and smiled and laughed! What a cutie! Everyone enjoyed seeing him. He has grown so much and loves to be standing up! (With someone holding on to him, of course!)

Matthew liked watching Grandpa open gifts.

The "girls" (and Nolan) had a good time talking around the table in the family room while the guys watched the Final Four on the big screen TV. They were all wanting Michigan State to win and they did!

Terry is re lighting the candles on the cake for Barb to take her turn making a wish and blowing out the candles.

We had a nice evening. We don't get together all that much, so it was fun to visit and laugh together.


Mom Jones said...

Hi Ruthanne!

These are such nice pictures of Terry's b'day. I can't believe any of us are as old as we are ... and I guess we just ought to give thanks for each year ... even though it feels very very weird to be this age. We're pretty exhausted from our trip and trying to just recoop and get on our feet. It would be nice to see you soon and plan out our summer retreat ... although the thought of travel right now seems less than exciting!

I loved your post about the little cars and Matthew. What a great time for everyone involved and what a wonderful memory for wee Matthew and all of you. There is nothing in the world like making memories with precious grandchildren and my heart aches a lot today with missing mine. I'm so glad the LORD loves them even more than I do.

---------- said...

I keep having the same recurring nightmare: Terry announces an early retirement and you two wind up moving to Tennessee...