Thursday, March 27, 2008

Birthday Lunch

Monday some of our family got together for lunch at a restaurant on Jefferson to celebrate Terry and his sister Barb's birthdays. Their birthdays are only about a week apart and as you get older it isn't quite as important to have the celebration all for yourself. 

We had a nice lunch with a really good birthday cake. Terry picked up his dad from the nursing home. He enjoys getting out and being with people as often as possible. Ken (Terry and Barb's brother) and Sandy came, Darlene and Earlene (Terry's cousins), Aunt Shirley, Aunt Bev, and Aunt Muriel, and Ron, Barb's husband. Happy Birthday, Barb and Terry!

Barb got to blow out the candles because Terry had been on the phone (surprise, surprise) and didn't hang up in time to do anything but watch.  :)

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