Friday, March 28, 2008

SNOW!!! (in spring?)

                                        View from my front porch

This is what I saw when I woke up this morning! We got about 3-4 inches of new snow overnight! It has been sort of like spring all week and then this!!

     Looking out my front door

This is the end of March and I think maybe, looking back, that March came in like a lamb. Not good! Well, I have to look on the bright side (and it is bright out there) - look at these beautiful trees! Did I mention that I love trees? What a wonderful, snowy day!! (and spring is coming!)

                          The trees in our yard and across the street

Oh, and another thing to be thankful for - Terry was sweet enough to shovel and clean off my car before he went to work! Oh, and one more - Isaiah 1:18 "Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them white as snow..."


Mom Jones said...

Typical Michigan March! It's good to know that this is probably the last time you will wake up to snow for at least 8 months or so! I agree ~ your trees are beautiful all snow-covered.

Carol said...

Happy Birthday to Terry! I was praying that the Lord would take care of the house situation and that He would bless Mark and Shari with a baby. Praise the Lord! Grandparenting is wonderful isn't it! Boys and girls. I'm thrilled that you will have one of each.

Love, Carol

Unknown said...

I'm so glad that I was gone when this snow happened! =)