Monday, July 06, 2009

JULY 4TH - 2009

This whole weekend was a beautiful one! We spent much of it working in our yard taking out our very overgrown bushes in front of our house and replacing them with some updated and more colorful ones. Bob helped Terry pull our bushes which completely covered those bottom windows to our family room by cutting them down and then pulling the very deep roots by tying them to a rope and then tying them to our truck and backing the truck up. They worked very hard because those bushes had been there probably about 30 years! 

On the fourth, Terry and I went and bought some new bushes and plants and mulch to replace the old stuff. That was the fun part! I wish we had done it years ago! We had just had our trim painted and a new chimney and porch done while we were on vacation. Now we have to cut down a huge pine tree right in the front of our house. :( I love trees and really don't want to do that.

We spent the rest of our weekend with Shelley, Bob, Matthew, and Nolan. It was fun! Bob was helping Terry part of the time, but we had a few meals together and played with the kids and watched a ball game also.  We had drumsticks after dinner one night. Matthew did really well eating it, but mostly liked the chocolate and peanuts.

Nolan got to taste the vanilla ice cream also. He thought it was wonderful! Who wouldn't after eating that stuff babies usually eat?

We spent some time playing with the kids. I decided to show Matthew the camera on my computer that allows one to take a picture of yourself and there are many options to enhance it. I use the word "enhance" loosely!

Matthew thought this was great fun and begged to keep doing it until I had to finally make us stop!

I love this one. He was laughing so hard when he saw it, he could barely sit up! Don't I have a handsome grandson?

We had lots of fun playing and eating and talking and working. Shel, Bob, Matthew, and Nolan went home to watch some fireworks from their house. Matthew is afraid of the loud noises so they were going to maybe watch from inside their house.

Terry and I decided to take a walk and watch all the fireworks around our house. Most years it sounds and looks like a war zone around here on the fourth. This year it was rather quiet with only a few fireworks. It was a beautiful, cool night and we were so tired after the weekend that we probably went to bed before all of the loud noises. We didn't hear a thing!

We are reminded on this day how good it is to live in this country. Freedom is not something to take for granted - especially in the world we live in! God has blessed us with the privilege of growing up in America. Why? I know that I can't even imagine what other people in less fortunate countries live with every day. I just want to be so thankful for our beautiful and free country! Thank you, Lord!


Mom Jones said...

Wow ... what a huge difference to the front of your house! Beautiful!

And that photo program looks like a blast! I would be quickly addicted to using it. Glad you could enjoy it with Matthew!

I'm looking forward to our retreat ... just about 5 more weeks! :)

Unknown said...

The landscaping looks great! Thanks for posting the mac pics -- Matthew got another good giggle session out of it. =)

Shari said...

The front of the house looks great! I'll bet that was not an easy task at all, but I'm glad you guys did it. Mark and I always joke that as soon as we get our houses fixed up the way we want them, we sell them and move on to another project.:)