Sunday, August 02, 2009

When I read my daughter"s version of "not me Monday" these past few weeks, I told myself that I "would never" write a "not me" Monday post on MY blog! Never! Because I just don't do things like THAT! Well, here is what I did NOT DO this week!

First of all, Shari did NOT call to say they were coming to Michigan this week to celebrate Esme's birthday when we had planned to go to Tennessee in two weeks. I DID NOT take all of the wallpaper off the bathroom walls two days before she called. The bathroom is NOT a total mess along with the rest of the house that I DID NOT let go while stripping wallpaper! Shari is NOT staying another whole week while I am scheduled to go on a sister vacation with my sister three days after she gets here!

I certainly did NOT type the whole bulletin for church with a note to parents about an "important meeting" to discuss policy, procedures, and future activities and told them NOT to miss it ----but forgot to put the date!!  - so that Pastor Bob DID NOT have to make a special announcement about that date left out of the bulletin! I was NOT embarassed a single bit!  Not me!

I did NOT purchase a beautiful piece of luggage for my son-in-law Mark's birthday and then decide that it was too small and had to be returned. I DID NOT buy another piece of luggage before I had taken the other one back. I did NOT forget to take my receipt with me all the way back to the mall when finally deciding to return the first piece of luggage and did NOT only have my gift receipt with me. The manager did NOT tell me that I could only have an in store credit or exchange with a gift receipt! I WOULD NOT HAVE driven all the way back home to get the original receipt and WAS NOT mad all the way home and BACK - NOT ME! I DID NOT call the company to complain about their return policy - NOT ME!!

Later that SAME DAY at four o'clock in the afternoon, just after I had emptied two refrigerator shelves and placed everything on the kitchen table while I gave the refrigerator a much needed cleaning, Terry did NOT call to tell me he had forgotten to take the car that morning and needed it to take his dad out to eat in an hour.  After I had put everything back into the refrigerator, driven in rush hour traffic to trade vehicles with him and gotten back home to remove everything from the refrigerator again, I DID NOT receive another call from him to tell me that I did not leave the keys to the car on the floor of the front seat like I said I would! I did NOT have to repeat the whole process again to drive back to the church in worse rush hour traffic to give him the keys! NOT ME, I WOULDN'T!

Next day, Saturday, after deciding to give some of our windows a much needed cleaning, I DID NOT place a plastic container full of water on a high window sill while washing the track that the window slides on. The "black" water did NOT get knocked off by me and DID NOT splash all over the clean curtains, rug and wood floor in the room Shari and Mark will be staying in for two nights while here.  And I DID NOT wash the curtains in the washing machine even though the tag said, "DRY CLEAN ONLY"! Enough said!  :(   And I did NOT write this post when I am supposed to be cleaning the house, cutting the grass, grocery shopping, and doing laundry!


Mom Jones said...

Ruthanne! You poor one ... yikes ... that's a lot of stuff that DIDN'T HAPPEN ~ I'm so sorry! Hopefully our Tiger game will be fun and relaxing for you! I know the boys are looking forward to it. :) See you tomorrow!

Unknown said...

Yay for you! I'm proud of you for doing one of these! You definitely had some GREAT ones this week. The car/key story cracked me up. And I can't believe the water tub one. Quite a week!

Doesn't the fun of writing it make it all more bearable and humorous?