Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Great Grandpa turns 88!

Today Terry's dad turned eighty-eight! He is doing well and seemed to enjoy the little party we had tonight at Logan's. Aunt Shirley was there, so were Barb and Ron, Sandy, Shelley and Bob, and Matthew, and Terry and I.    Here is a picture of Dad blowing out his candles. 
We had a very cozy room with a fire going. The other picture shows four generations - Dad, Terry, Shelley, and Matthew.

A New Grandchild on the Way

Here is our first glimpse of our new grandchild! Shari and Mark are due September 1 and the baby is progressing nicely. They heard a heartbeat already! It is neat to see them so excited. We can't wait to have another baby to love.

A Play Date with Matthew

Today was special because it was a "play date" with Matthew. I haven't been babysitting much lately because Shelley isn't teaching a class this semester and I have been sick. So I have missed playing with him so much!! When I got there he was all excited to see me and said," Grandma, you play with me?" So we played with the big train upstairs and then went downstairs to play at his train table and with numerous other toys. I had a great time with him. What a sweetheart - he loves to have someone pretend with him! Then he, his mommy, and I went to Baker's Square and had some lunch. I couldn't think of a nicer way to spend my day. Thank you, Matthew! (and Shelley)