Friday, March 07, 2008

I Decided to Stay Home!

Even though I did spend some time at church today doing some things, I have spent most of the day and night alone. :(  Shelley, Bob, and Matthew are at the hospital where Bob's dad has been admitted for tests and Terry is heading up a committee that is putting on our church's "BIG BUCK DINNER" tonight. The dinner is a lot of work, but it turned out well last year and probably will be enjoyed by the men again this year. So I am home alone which gives me time to write, but is also a little lonely. 

I helped place the programs for the dinner tonight on the tables. I have been laughing inside because when the men put on a dinner, it is so "different" from when women do one! I mentioned that the napkins were on the wrong side of the plate, and I was told that "men" like them that way because (if right handed) the fork and knife are right there and they don't have to "cross over" the plate to get them. I'm really not making fun, I'm just amused! Their decorations would not be tolerable to women either. Terry made stands for all kinds of deer heads and moose heads, and fish bodies. Kind of gross!  They didn't use any centerpieces - I thought that the tables could have used them - but, then I was thinking, what would they use? They give away prizes like rifles and deer scent, etc. I'll have to think of a good centerpiece for the tables next year - if you have any good ideas to go with the decor, let me know. Maybe vases of arrows! Too tall! Maybe bare tree branches sitting in bullet shells.  Maybe deer blinds made out of popsicle sticks! I'm on a roll! 

I shouldn't make fun of the men. They really enjoy this time together! Did I mention the kitchen?Believe me - you don't want to see it - especially AFTER the dinner is over!  I served at the dinner last year not knowing that we were also expected to clean up the kitchen after the dinner. Now I have cleaned up after MANY banquets and dinners at church - and even enjoyed the fellowship and the work. When I walked into the kitchen last year after the Big Buck Dinner, I about had a heart attack!! I really never thought that the kitchen would be clean again. It really was a huge job to clean it. The men did chip in, though, and it did finally get cleaned! This year I decided to stay home!  :) Even though it is lonely, I'm glad I did!

I Love Trees!

I love trees! They are one of my favorite things! I think that they are especially beautiful when covered with snow. We have surely seen a lot of that this winter! Even though I am anxious for spring, I will miss the beauty of all of the snow covered branches. I really have enjoyed all the snow this winter. Snowflakes are amazing in themselves - they show the wonderful creativity of God!

Some of my favorite Bible passages are about trees. One of the first sections that I ever memorized was Psalm 1. I remember memorizing that chapter when I was only about eight years old during Wednesday Bible group for the children at our church. I memorized it in the KJV, but I like it better in some of the newer versions.

Psalm 1  (NLT)  "Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers.. But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night.

They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do. But not the wicked! They are like chaff, scattered by the wind. They will be condemned at the time of judgment. Sinners will have no place among the godly. For the Lord watches over the path of the godly, but the path of the wicked leads to destruction."