Thursday, April 24, 2008


You are the age that your dad and I FEEL like we are! The thirties are a wonderful time and I don't know what happened to the years in between!

You are a very nice daughter to have. I love it when you just call in the morning or whenever to talk or tell me something funny or SMART that Matthew has said or done. I know that I can call you anytime and you will put up with me and love me. Thank you for that! You are truly a friend besides being my daughter.

I also think that you are a wonderful mom. You and Bob have given us a very sweet grandson. He means the world to us. I can't remember not having him here. He is so loving and such a nice boy and I know that he gets it from being with you and Bob. You are so kind to him - who wouldn't respond to that?

I respect the kind of person you are and all the things that you are good at and all the things that you accomplish! You are a wonderful artist. I love your books. You are also a good businesswoman. It takes drive and determination to accomplish all that you do with your work and still have time to play with Matthew! We love you so much and we couldn't begin to tell you how much! Hope your birthday is the best ever!