Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Back to Work

Last week I went back to substitute teaching which I haven't done in about ten years. I did it to earn some extra money, but now I'm not sure that the money is worth it! Things surely have changed since I was in an elementary school! Of course, subs don't usually get good lesson plans. They are usually quickly done and something that can be carried out easily. BUT, they are usually boring plans that don't interest the kids. I was told that substitute teachers must carry out the teacher's plans, so I was stuck with them. The kids were hard to handle and their names!! - I didn't even recognize some of them as being names of boys or girls! IIlyia - a boy, Jazmin - a boy, Verrin - a girl! And they are insulted if you can't pronounce it or remember it. I came home very tired and ready to just quit both days I subbed. But I decided to try it again this week to give it a fair chance. I went in with a good attitude both times and both times came home discouraged and very exhausted. But maybe those experiences were just a fluke! I hope! I know that the Lord can get me through and help me to be uplifting to the kids that I have in class. They are so needy! I'm not promising anything yet!

Grandpa and Grandma Babysit

         Last Saturday night Terry and I got to babysit for Matthew together. It had been a while since we had done that. Shelley and Bob were going out on a "date". :) So Terry and I had the pleasure of having Matthew all to ourselves. We had fun playing with trains, going grocery shopping with fake food, etc. Grandpas will go to any length to get a laugh as you can see when Terry put the track on his head. The only problem is that he can't stay awake long enough for Matthew to notice him. He actually fell asleep on the couch when Matthew turned his back for just a minute! Matthew was a little disgusted and tried to wake him. The really good thing about having grandparents take care of you is that they let you eat white sugar donuts!! Mmmm!! Grandpa said he could have a chocolate one after he finished the white one, but Grandma put the cabash (?) on that! After Grandpa fell asleep again, Grandma was the one who got to get Matthew ready for bed and then cuddle with him while reading ALOT of books. I wouldn't trade that time for anything! He is my sweetie.