Friday, May 02, 2008

Busy Time!

The past couple of weeks have been very busy for me! Actually I am having fun, though. I am heading up our committee to produce a new church pictorial directory. It is a very involved job and you really can't know how much work until being involved in it! I have a very good committee helping me, though. One thing that I am having a ball with, is actually being able to do the front and back cover and all of the activity pages myself. I just learned a new program on my Mac called Pages. It is wonderfully easy to use and does everything I could want. I have the front and back covers done and have started all of the activity pages.

I am just waiting to receive some pictures on CD from people. So far I have used all of my own. I have been really pleased with the quality of pictures that I can take with my digital camera. I love taking pictures and working with them on the computer! Lately I have wished that I could have taken photography and/or graphic art when I was in college. I really enjoy working with pictures, colors, and layout. Oh, well, at least I can do this directory and have fun with it.