Monday, April 06, 2009

Terry Turns ... (Only the cake will tell!)

Happy Birthday, Terry!

Terry had a momentous birthday on Saturday. He said that it really seemed wierd to be an age that he always thought was "old". I won't tell you the age because it is the same age I am turning in August. Now he knows that it is not really old!  He shared his cake with his sister, Barb, who just had a birthday last week.

We had a family party at our house. Ken and Sandy came, Barb and Ron, Aunt Shirley and Aunt Bev, and Shelley, Bob, Matthew, and Nolan. (and me) We had a great time eating and talking and opening presents.

Terry is reading his cards. He got a new golf bag, golf hat and golf glove. He also got some money and lots of cards.

Nolan was so cute all night and so good! He just talked and smiled and laughed! What a cutie! Everyone enjoyed seeing him. He has grown so much and loves to be standing up! (With someone holding on to him, of course!)

Matthew liked watching Grandpa open gifts.

The "girls" (and Nolan) had a good time talking around the table in the family room while the guys watched the Final Four on the big screen TV. They were all wanting Michigan State to win and they did!

Terry is re lighting the candles on the cake for Barb to take her turn making a wish and blowing out the candles.

We had a nice evening. We don't get together all that much, so it was fun to visit and laugh together.

Pinewood Derby

This is a belated post that I should have written about last week, but just didn't get the time. We attended our annual Pinewood Derby at church and Shelley, Bob, Matthew, and Nolan came! Terry had gotten a car for himself, Bob, and Matthew and they had all worked hard on getting them just like they wanted them. I put this picture of Nolan first. This was actually taken as they were leaving the Pinewood Derby. I wanted to show that Nolan was there, too, and was very good the whole night.

Matthew was very excited to be in the race and asked all week "is it Friday yet?" He actually painted his own car and did a super job! Shelley taped the stripe for him so he wouldn't go out of the lines, but he painted the whole car very carefully. He ended up winning second place in his age division and here he is holding up his medal. The fact that he came in second has Terry already planning for next year because Terry is the one who worked on preparing all three cars for the race. He worked on the wheels, the weights, etc. to get them to go fast.

This is one of the tracks that the races take place on. One even had a photo finish camera!

There were about fifty or sixty cars in the race and they were very creative! Matthew's car is the blue one with the black stripe.

All of the kids (and adults) were crowding around the cars before the races to see their own and all the other creatively painted cars. Matthew wanted to see his and had to squeeze in a look between two other boys.

Matthew's other grandpa was still in Michigan at the time and came to watch the race. So Matthew had both grandpas and his dad, mom, brother and one grandma there. I am not usually in the pictures since I am the only one who takes the pictures.

Terry won first place in the adult division and was very pleased that his car was the fastest since he is very competitive. Terry? - No! He just wished that it had been Matthew's car that won first place - well, not INSTEAD of his, but at least along WITH his!!

Bob and Matthew are holding their cars here. They had a good time together that night.

       Here is what the races were like.

We had a fun night. We made a good memory and I'm glad I have the pictures to remember it!