Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Silly Pictures
Tonight I have been fooling around with my new computer trying to learn how to edit pictures with it. I am so computer challenged that it takes me hours to learn something new on the computer. Terry reads computer books to learn new things, but when I try to read them, I end up reading the same sentence over and over and still not comprehending what to do!! Well I learned that the picture editing is pretty cool on an Apple. I had to use pictures of myself because I haven't been able to copy the pictures from my PC over to the Apple yet. With the Apple, I can sit in front of it and take a picture of myself! Here I am at about 300 pounds. Also did you know that I am a twin? It was fun to fool around with it - I still know so little. :(
Library Party
Only a Car!
This is a picture of our Jeep. The lease on the Jeep is up as of today, and Terry and I returned it to the dealer. I didn't think that I was attached to it until that moment when we had to give over the keys. It has been a wonderful car - very reliable and fun, but safe to drive. But it has been an expense that we could do without. We have a Ford pickup truck, which we plan on getting back on the road tomorrow, and a Buick Century, which is older, but doesn't have many miles on it. So, we are fine, right?
Why is it that we get so easily attached to "things"? It often happens before we consciously know it - and we're hooked! I am reminding myself of the verses in Matthew 6 that say, "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
So it is time to let go of the car and just appreciate what the Lord has so graciously given us. He has given us so many "things" to enjoy, but more than that, we have our families, our church family, and more than that, we have his love even when we don't deserve it. (Which is always!) Thank you, Lord, and keep reminding me of these verses that I need to take into my heart and live by every day.