Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Weight Issues

For thirty some years I have been struggling to lose enough weight that I feel healthy and look better in my clothes. I have been on several diets, some more than once, and I guess I would have to consider myself a yo-yo dieter. I have lost 45 pounds, 35 pounds, 27 pounds, etc. over the years. At present time I do not weigh the most that I ever have weighed, :), but a few years ago a doctor told me that I should be at a weight that agrees with the "charts" for my height and frame to be healthier. She told me that even ten pounds overweight, with bad cholesterol and a couple of other issues can lead to chronic diseases such as cancer, alzheimers, heart disease,etc. The older I get, the more I realize that I need to watch my health NOW before I have major health problems and try and prevent them. I have good intentions most Sunday nights, but by Monday morning I just don't seem to care. I get twinges of guilt here and there, and I also don't feel my best many times, but I just seem to put eating healthy off until "tomorrow". So I decided I would write about it on my blog, since it is mine, and update each month how much I have lost on a certain day of the month. I won't tell my weight since you could care less - but maybe someone else will join me and/or it will encourage another person to do the same. So...starting today, with the Lord's help, I can do better! How about you?  I will post my results on the 1st of each month.
(or not!)