Saturday, April 18, 2009

Spring is Here!

Today was really our first warm and sunny spring day this year. The skies were blue, and the air was warm, but not hot. It was the perfect spring day - finally! It has been a long winter, and we decided to walk around our new mall, Partridge Creek. It is a beautiful place to walk and see people and all kinds of dogs - because dogs are welcome there. You can see the most unusual dogs everywhere!

When the mall was built, they made a big deal about saving this beautiful old oak tree and they put up a sign telling about it. It is very big and a lot more beautiful when it has leaves on it!
We stopped to read about the tree and just relax and enjoy the lovely weather.

Shelley, Bob, Matthew, and Nolan met us at Max and Erma's for lunch at the mall. The boys had both been sick with a virus for over a week. Shelley had not gotten much sleep all week because Nolan and Matthew were both sick and needing attention. It was good for them all to get out in the nice warm sun, and they were all happy to be out.

Nolan was more himself today and had such a sweet smile! He wants so badly to just get up and walk and get things he wants. He just loves to stand up!! (With some help, of course!)

After eating in the restaurant, we all walked to the "Apple Store". It is one of the "boys'" favorite places. It is full of computers, ipods, computer programs and games. There is a table just for kids and Matthew loves to sit at the table and play the games. Today he sat right down and immediately pressed the right key to make a man walk in a computer game! Terry is playing a game on the computer here and Matthew loved watching him! I love the hand on the knee!  :)

I think that men could play on the computer all day!! And it starts young these days!

Doesn't Matthew look happy? What a great smile!

We walked around the mall for awhile after that looking at all the people and interesting dogs. We saw two miniature greyhounds! There are two bocci ball courts that can be used for free at the mall. Matthew likes to watch people play and was watching a young couple play today. They let him throw the white ball to start the game a couple of times and he thought that was great.

We had a fun time walking around and talking. It was so nice to enjoy the fresh air and sun! I was just exhausted, though. I had a busy week and the sun was so bright that it was putting me right to sleep. We had a good time and then went home to relax some more.
Easter Sunday in Tennessee
Shari put these pictures of Esme' on Facebook today, and I copied them and added the frames. These were all taken on Easter. I thought they were so cute of her! I love it when she wears a cute hat.

I miss her very much and I am always so happy when I can see pictures of her or see her on the webcam!