Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Sunday 2009

Easter Sunday was a quiet one this year. Terry and I had gone to a wonderful Good Friday service at Cornerstone Friday night. It was an awesome service with lots of music, scripture reading and communion. Unlike some Good Friday services, it was all about the resurrection of Jesus Christ. What is the death of Christ without the resurrection? 

This morning was a busy one. Terry ended up in the Gathering Space during the service because we had so many visitors coming in at all different times and Terry was responsible for visitor reception. Bob spoke from Revelation 1, verses 17-18.  ' When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. Then he placed his right hand on me and said, "Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last. I am the Living One; I was dead and behold I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys to death and Hades." '  Aren't those great verses?  

We went home after church to have dinner with Shelley, Bob, Matthew, and Nolan. I had made lasagne and put it in the oven to start and stop cooking at certain times - and amazingly enough, it worked!! We had a nice dinner together. Terry, Matthew, and Nolan were all sick with the same sort of cold or virus. They all had a scratchy throat, stuffy nose, runny eyes, etc.  The kids were pretty miserable. I was also starting to feel as though I was coming down with it.
But we had a nice day in spite of all that. 

You would never know that Nolan was sick here. He was so sweet and smiley even though he didn't feel well and hadn't slept much or eaten much for days.

I didn't get many pictures today, since the kids weren't much in the mood for it and neither was I. I thought this was a nice one of Shel and Nolan, though.

Terry brought his train table in progress upstairs so that Matthew could watch the train go around. He proceeded to do just that for A LONG TIME!! He is still very young for this type of train, though. He wanted to play with it and touch things, and Terry couldn't let him do that because everything is so delicate. Later in the day, Matthew asked me to get out a little toy train that he used to play with when at our house. It is really too young for him, but he wanted one that wasn't "delicate".

We had a bunny ice cream cake for dessert. I took this picture of Nolan sleeping to show how big he has gotten! Every time I see him, I am amazed at how much he has grown! 

By the end of the day, Nolan had a fever and after some Tylenol, fell asleep again. Shelley and Bob eventually took the kids home around 8:00 p.m. They had only been home about an hour, when Shelley called us to come stay with Matthew while she and Bob took Nolan in to emergency because he was wheezing so much and was so uncomfortable. Fortunately, the doctor said that he was uncomfortable but that it probably wasn't too serious and his lungs were clear. That was a relief!  

Another Easter has come and gone. We are so thankful to have our family and so many blessings! The grandchildren are so special to us and we thank the Lord that we could have this Easter with them! It is only a month and a half until Shari and Esme' join us for a vacation in Florida. :)