Monday, January 14, 2008

Two Christmas Surprises!

It was a wonderful Christmas! Shari and Mark flew up from North Carolina for a couple of days, and we had them all of Christmas Day. Terry and Shelley didn't know they were coming, so Bob and I had to keep it a secret. (At least from them - just about everyone else knew!)

Terry was reading that morning, expecting Shelley and Bob and Matthew to be at our house soon. I knelt down by him and told him that I had a little surprise for him for Christmas. He just grunted!! Then Shari and Mark were coming up the walk and I told him that the surprise was coming up the walk. I think he was really shocked. Cool! Then Shelley, Bob and Matthew came. Shari wanted to meet Shelley at the door. It was a good surprise. I think that it was Shelley's secret wish for Christmas - one that she thought was impossible. We all had a very nice, quiet Christmas Day. Then after opening presents together, Shari and Mark handed us each a small bag and told us to open it at the same time. None of us got it at first - it was a baby bottle. We were so dense - it took a minute to sink in. They are having a baby!! What a wonderful Christmas surprise for all of us!

Church Bookstore

I love working in our church bookstore! I've always loved books and reading. I have always wanted to have a bookstore of my own. How great that the Lord has provided a bookstore for me to work in and manage and serve him at Cornerstone at the same time! This is our Cornerstone bookstore, called the "Book Rack". I love ordering all the books, opening the boxes when they come in, and arranging the shelves! I love planning for Christmas and ordering for all of our classes and just trying to provide a good choice of books for a good price. What fun!! :)

At the same time, I am trying to get to know some new people, their names, and something about them as they come in to order books, buy books, use the library, or just look around. I know that it can be a great ministry to make people feel welcome and loved. I am very happy to have this spot to serve and I must keep in mind that it is not mine, but the Lord's.