Saturday, January 12, 2008

An Unexpected Love

Isn't this just the sweetest face you've ever seen? I never ex-pected this feeling. It is an overwhelming love. Matthew Owen Johannes is our first grandchild. He is Shelley and Bob's son, and he couldn't be dearer to me. I can't explain my feelings, but I could just watch him all day - with a smile on my face. He is two years old now, and the feeling hasn't worn off. I love being with him, around him, listening to him, holding him, feeling his soft skin and hair. I love to read to him and hear his cute voice. One day he said, "I love you,Grandma, I love you!" I actually got him saying that on video and I love to watch it. It is so amazing that he would love me back. He is such a special little boy - he remembers everything! I have never felt so awed by another person. God has given me this wonderful grandson to love and I want to be the best grandma ever!