Saturday, November 20, 2010


It was fun to spend the day with two of our favorite grandsons last Saturday!
Shelley was on a business trip, and Bob was working, so we got to spend the whole day with Matthew and Nolan. (Matthew was a little apprehensive about riding on the large carousel. But I stood by him and he relaxed. Nolan didn't cry, but was petrified!. Terry held him on one of the animals - a dog that he picked out - and when it started up, he kept leaning in to Terry and his eyes were very big!!)

We packed a lunch and headed for Greenfield Village. The boys had never been there and so it was an adventure. We were hoping we could find enough that would interest them there knowing that they were probably a bit young yet to really appreciate it!

I had only taken a few pictures with my camera, when my camera stopped working. I later found out that my batteries were completely dead. I don't even know how I took that five pictures that  I did! I was very frustrated that I couldn't get some great pictures of the boys enjoying the day, but had to live with it. Of course, I forgot my spare batteries!! They were at home on the kitchen table.

We enjoyed the Model T cars and rode on them twice. Matthew especially enjoyed the rides through the village. We got to visit the roundhouse where the train engines are kept. The train had shut down as of November 1!  But we got to see all of the old engines close up and even got to walk below one of them and see what it looked like underneath. That was fun for us all. We rode on the carousel, ate lunch on a picnic table, learned how glass was blown, and went in some of the old log cabins. It was a beautiful day and passed very quickly.

This is the first Model T that we rode in. For the second ride, Matthew wanted to ride one with the top up. We had to wait for one to come around. The rides had to be taken in the order the cars returned. Someone was nice enough to let us ride in the car that came up for them when they heard Matthew stating that he wanted to ride in one with the top up. We ended up going to the glass house twice because Matthew was so interested in it. Also it was warm in there! We had a great time - and a made a good memory!