Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Weight Issues

For thirty some years I have been struggling to lose enough weight that I feel healthy and look better in my clothes. I have been on several diets, some more than once, and I guess I would have to consider myself a yo-yo dieter. I have lost 45 pounds, 35 pounds, 27 pounds, etc. over the years. At present time I do not weigh the most that I ever have weighed, :), but a few years ago a doctor told me that I should be at a weight that agrees with the "charts" for my height and frame to be healthier. She told me that even ten pounds overweight, with bad cholesterol and a couple of other issues can lead to chronic diseases such as cancer, alzheimers, heart disease,etc. The older I get, the more I realize that I need to watch my health NOW before I have major health problems and try and prevent them. I have good intentions most Sunday nights, but by Monday morning I just don't seem to care. I get twinges of guilt here and there, and I also don't feel my best many times, but I just seem to put eating healthy off until "tomorrow". So I decided I would write about it on my blog, since it is mine, and update each month how much I have lost on a certain day of the month. I won't tell my weight since you could care less - but maybe someone else will join me and/or it will encourage another person to do the same. So...starting today, with the Lord's help, I can do better! How about you?  I will post my results on the 1st of each month.
(or not!)


Mom Jones said...

I struggle with it too, sis. About four weeks ago, I got on the scale and weighed as much as before Jesse's wedding when I went to try on dresses and my "usual size" dress couldn't be zipped up! I remember thinking at the time that I had never weighed that much without being 8 months pregnant. So I too determined to try a little harder about the food issue. I got lucky (I guess) and had a bad case of stomach flu that took 5 pounds off in 48 hours! I am hoping to lose one pound per week over the next five weeks and have set certain eating parameters down for myself. It's been over two weeks ~ and because I have made it a matter of prayer ~ so far, so good. I tend to obsess over food, and even though I don't look terribly fat, my eating has been totally out of control!

I will say, though, dear sister ~ you look 15 years younger than most people your age! You have beautiful skin, beautiful hair, and I HAVE ALWAYS wanted to look exactly like you. So there!

Ruthanne said...

Carol, I always laugh when you say that - I guess because it boggles my mind! Only a little sister could say that. I love you!

Ruthanne said...
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Ruthanne said...

Oh, and on the subject - Terry and I were interviewing a couple for church membership and the man looks at us and says, "So you guys look-you're about sixty?" I know my mouth dropped open!!

Mom Jones said...

NO WAY! The man seriously needs glasses!

Mom Jones said...

Hey! What do you mean by adding the "or not!" to this post?!! It's only March 2 so it's still early in the month. We are awaiting an update on the weight issue! :) No weight at all has been lost from me in these two weeks, not one single ounce (huge sigh!) ... but no gain either ...