Monday, March 24, 2008

North Carolina (Part 2)

Shari and Mark live in a beautiful shopping village. This is the side street next to the Ann Taylor Loft where Shari works. They live in this apartment building. Shari just has to go downstairs to work!

This is Shari outside of the Loft.

Here is a picture of the inside of Shari and Mark's apartment. They finally got their furniture from the house in Connecticut and it looks great!

Here is Shari with Napoleon. (Their "baby" for now) Napoleon is a pug and is very well behaved. He stays in his crate during the day when Shari and Mark are working and also sleeps in it at night.

More pictures to come!

1 comment:

Mom Jones said...

What beautiful buildings! And Shari looks great and SO happy! How handy to just have to go downstairs to work ... I suppose that has its pros and cons. Nice pictures, Ruthanne. :)