Sunday, March 02, 2008

Second Grandchild

I have been daydreaming a lot lately about our second grandchild who is on the way. Shari and Mark are expecting their first child. He/she is not due to arrive into the world until late August or early September. I find myself picturing what he or she will look like and be like. I like to think about it being another grandson, but then I also like to think about it being a little granddaughter. I know it will be one of those! :)  It is hard to picture loving another grandchild just as it is hard picturing how you could love another child the same way you love your first one. But then the baby is born, and you just love it. Every child is different from the others, but when he or she is yours, it is special and your heart is big enough for more than one. I am looking forward to holding and loving this baby. I love being a grandma - my first experience has exceeded my wildest dreams and I know that my heart is ready for another sweet baby. I just thank the Lord that he has given me this opportunity to know and love my grandchildren.

I am trying to pray for Matthew and the new baby daily - what their characters will be like, who they will marry, that they will come to know the Lord early in life and be strong in faith. It is a big responsibility to be a grandparent. Grandchildren look up to their grandparents and I want to be worthy of that - which means that I have to change a lot, too. I know that the Lord is growing me and changing me. I want to be someone that my children and grandchildren will remember as being someone who loved people and served the Lord. I also want my children and my grandchildren to know and feel that I love them unconditionally. 

PSALM 89:1  "I will sing of the Lord's great love forever: with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations."

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