Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Saturday Terry and I are leaving for Cocoa Beach, Florida, for TWO WEEKS!! I have tried several times this morning to upload a few pictures of the resort where we are owners (one week a year), but to no avail. This is the only picture that I could get to come up. We have gone to this time share for about seven years now - and no, we don't get bored. This beautiful pool is in the front of the huge building and the ocean is on the backside. Who could get bored living right on the ocean? I love it and so does Terry. It is like a home away from home to us. We know all of the cool restaurants to go to and many other wonderful things to do. Orlando is just 45 minutes away also. 

This year Shelley, Bob, and Matthew are meeting us there like they did last year. This year Shari won't be with us because she wants to take her vacation when the baby is born at the end of August or early September. Matthew is eagerly awaiting Saturday - he actually remembers the ocean and beach there!

On the way to Florida (we are driving) we will stop in Charlotte and have dinner with Shari and Mark and then head on to Savannah where we have reservations for a short night. Then we will get up early and drive on to Cocoa Beach. On the way home we will spend a day and night with Shari and Mark.

We are looking forward to having Matthew with us again this year because he is a little older and will enjoy everything just a little more. I can't wait. (We are also very happy to have his parents there, too.) More pictures to follow!

The second week we are in Florida we are staying by ourselves (Shelley, Bob, and Matthew will be flying home) at a beautiful condo owned by a friend. It is also in Cocoa Beach, so we just change places. This condo is on the Banana River which is an inter coastal waterway. We are only a 10 minute walk from the ocean on the other side of the condo. The Banana River is beautiful and has lots of dolphins, fish, and manatees. We also have the use of a small rowboat while we are there, so it is nice to go out on the water - beautiful! 

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