Saturday, July 19, 2008

A Visit with David and Carol

While we were in Orlando last week we got to have a visit with my brother David and my sister-in-law Carol. We hadn't seen them in a year and it was great to have this time with them. 
We started out by going out to eat. David and Carol picked us up at our hotel (in the pouring rain) and we went to eat at the Bahama Breeze on International Drive. It was a very nice restaurant with good food and we had a great time talking and getting caught up. Then we went back to the hotel and just sat and talked a while more. We got to hear about what their kids are up to, about their grandchildren (they just took two of their grandsons to Disney World) and about their jobs. It is a shame that we can't get together more often - it was fun!  Thanks, David and Carol for taking the time to drive an hour just to see us!

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