Friday, August 08, 2008

A Glorious Day!

Today was just a gorgious day - sunny skies, low humidity, beautiful clouds, a nice breeze, and I
had Matthew today! :)

We had the whole day to play and we started out using play dough for over an hour! We made this little train and Matthew was in charge of making all of the wheels. He did a great job! Trains are his favorite thing, so that is what he asked for us to make. The picture below shows his thoughtful determination in stamping the holes in the wheels.

Then we decided to make his new baby (coming in December) drinking a bottle. He thought the blanket was pretty funny, but was excited to put it on the baby. He told Shelley that the baby will probably just mess up his trains!

After we cleaned up the pay dough we worked on giving Mr. Potato Head some funny faces. These were empty pictures of Mr. Potato Head's face that we put stickers on - like eyes, nose, ears, mouth. It was fun.

One of the most fun things we did today was play with my beanie babies. I have a huge bag of them and Matthew knows all of their names. (I always have to look at the tags) So we used the table leaf that we had been using for play dough and put the beanie babies around it for a party.
We decided to use the blocks for their food and drinks. We spent well over an hour feeding them, talking to them and having a great party. Several of them had a birthday and we sang to them and had special cake. We had a great time doing this - Matthew loves to pretend and use other voices making the animals talk.

We also spent a lot of time outside today. We gathered up peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, some chocolate milk and water, some apple slices, and some cookies, a ball and bat, a playground ball and Matthew's hat and headed for the school playground down the street. The playground equipment is  a little old for him yet, but we used some of it and then played ball. Matthew doesn't like swings for some reason (My favorite thing!) so we didn't use them at all.
But we sat under a shady tree like last time and had a nice time eating lunch and then we played for a long time. I think Matthew's favorite part was kicking the playground ball around the parking lot and on the grass. Grandma was very tired after all that running and kicking! That is when I really feel that I am getting older - don't have the stamina as much anymore. I was tired!!

When we got home we got out the bubbles and blew some big ones in the backyard. Then Matthew asked to use the hose (he thinks this is great fun!) and squirted the bubbles as I blew them. He had so much fun using the hose that we ended up playing with that a long time.

Back in the house to get Matthew in some dry clothes and rest a while, we watched a program about some sextuplets for a while and America's Funniest Home Videos. He fell asleep on the floor one time while coloring and watching TV. It was so cute - his hand started slowing down and he was lying on his side and his eyes kept closing. But he forced himself to sit up and got a second wind.
We ended up the day by drawing and coloring with markers which Matthew LOVES to do!
He would sit there an hour and just use all different colors. He makes a great picture of fire works! I was impressed! Then when Mommy came, we went to meet Grandpa and Great Grandpa at the Beach Grill on Jefferson for dinner. That was our day - I loved it!


Mom Jones said...

This was great, Ruthanne! The picture of all of the stuffed animals lined up for the party just cracked me up ~ I laughed out loud! And your playdough is wonderful too :) Matthew is very blessed to have such a creative family to be part of!

Anonymous said...

Ruthann you are a fantastic grandma! Matthew is Blessed!
