Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Time with the New Baby

Today we got to spend some time with Nolan and with Matthew. I finally got to see his eyes open! I can't seem to get my eyes to stay open during flash pictures, though! 

Matthew got this present from his Mom and Dad when they got home from the doctor with the baby today. He loves watching the Snoopy Christmas and this plays the same song. He was happy with it! It is hard having a new brother!

But Matthew does seem to like him and be gentle with him.

I like this picture of Nolan peacefully sleeping in his car carrier. They had come in from seeing the doctor and he slept on!

1 comment:

Mom Jones said...

How fun to see his eyes open. Too bad your eyes are closed, because it is a nice picture of you ... I have the same problem with flashes. Did Matthew have this much hair as a newborn? Nolan is a beautiful baby. It's so nice to see him! :)