Saturday, March 07, 2009


Time has flown by and our newest grandson is already three months old! He is starting to respond to us more and smiles and coos at us. He is so precious! My only problem is that SOMEHOW I call him " Logan" once in a while! I don't know why!!? Maybe we just go to Logan's too much! I know we do!

This week we took Shel and Bob and the kids out to eat to celebrate Bob's fortieth birthday. Nolan enjoyed it and we enjoyed playing with him.

I got to babysit a couple of times this week and spent a lot of time with Nolan and Matthew. He smiled quite a bit for me.

He looks like he is intently listening to a conversation here!

I finally got in a picture!

Nolan loves to stand up (with someone holding on to him). Here he is standing on the table at the restaurant.
Each little one has his own unique personality and we are excited to see what Nolan will be like. He is growing up so fast and we want to enjoy every minute! Grandchildren are a blessing from the Lord!

1 comment:

Mom Jones said...

Oh my ... is Nolan ever a cutie! He has such an adorable little face! :)