Tuesday, June 23, 2009

We arrived home from our trip to Tennessee and Florida on Saturday night. We had a great time! We were gone for two and a half weeks and got to spend about a week and a half of that time with our daughter, Shari, and granddaughter, Esme'.

I will let the pictures speak for themselves. She is beautiful and so SWEET! I love her sweet smile, her feather soft hair, and the dimples on her chubby hands and feet!

She has such a cute personality. I got to ride in the backseat of our pickup truck with her from Tennessee to Cocoa Beach. I got to play with her and entertain her the whole way and we had fun.

Esme' learned to crawl while we were in Florida. She also turned 10 months. 
This is my favorite picture of her. She loves the music and songs from the movie, Sound of Music. Her favorite song is "Do, a deer, a female deer..." This is the smile she makes when you begin singing that song!

I will write about our trip in my next post when I get all of the pictures ready. But I wanted to post these first because I miss her so much!


Mom Jones said...

Esme' is just as cute as she can be! What great pictures, Ruthanne. I can't believe she is 10 months already ...

Looking forward to the rest of your pictures too ... difficult to keep up a blog while working though. Love you!

Unknown said...

She's so adorable and fun! I'm so glad that we were able to see all of them. Pictures just aren't the same as being there. =)