Monday, August 17, 2009

Happy Birthday One Year Old!
Esme's Fiesta Birthday Party

How could one year have gone by so quickly? Our little baby granddaughter is now crawling, walking around furniture, saying words, and growing so beautiful! We love her very much - she is the sweetest little girl!

Her party was at her "other" grandparents' house and it was a Mexican fiesta. Shari and Mark made all of the food (very good!), and there was color everywhere!  Colorful balloons, bright roses, colorful tablecloths, and lots of gifts. Esme' wore a colorful ruffled dress and a bright flower in her hair. That is until she discovered that it was there and then she pulled it out! Mark's sister Amy, and her family were there, Mark's brother Jim, and his family, Mark's parents, Shelley and Bob and boys, and two other couples, friends of Shari and Mark, and their kids, and us. Esme' got lots of great gifts. She was a little awed by everything and everyone and it was hard to get a good picture of her all day. She moves very quickly and there were many people to get in the way of a good picture. Today is her actual birthday and they are back home in Tennessee now. It was so much fun having them here for a little while and we will miss Shari and Mark and Esme' until we see them again in a couple of months. But the party was fun and a good memory. I picked her up before I had to leave her  and just cried!  She is so sweet and soft and smiley and I will miss her!!!

1 comment:

Mom Jones said...

That first birthday is always so special ... I think Esme's was extra extra special ... her outfit is such a scream, and her little face so adorable. So glad you got to spend it with her, Shari and Mark.