Sunday, May 30, 2010


Shari and Mark, Esme' and Asher came for a quick visit this week on their way to move to Wisconsin. It was great to see them again so soon! Asher has gained two pounds since we were there when he was born last month.

Esme' and Asher are now just about the same size although Esme' is just a bit older.
In these pictures we are visiting at Shelley and Bob's new condo. The kids had a fun time together building a marble run, playing with Matthew's bugs (in the container) and just being silly.

Matthew is proud of his marble run. He earned it with his marble jar by accomplishing a goal.

Here is Shari reading to Nolan and Esme'.
Uncle Mark playing with Matthew.
Here is Asher. Just as sweet as can be - we barely heard a peep out of him all day. He just
slept and ate. 

Shelley holding Asher.

Mark playing with Esme'.

Matthew playing checkers with Grandpa. Matthew LOVES to play games, but
HATES to lose! It was a fun day. We ended the day by going back to our house and barbecuing chicken kabobs. More pictures to come!

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