Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentine's Day 2008

I enjoy Valentine's Day more than Terry does. He says it is a "Hallmark" holiday and so he rebels at that. Now I don't really care if it is a "Hallmark" holiday - if it is one, it is a good one! After all, what is wrong with remembering the special "love of your life" on one day of the year? Of course, then there is the birthday, anniversary, Sweetest Day, etc. Maybe he is right! Terry usually gets me a card and takes me out to eat for Valentine's Day and this year was no different. I got him a card and made him cookie bars in a heart shaped pan. Then I decorated it with red frosting piped around it. It was very messy to use! Anyway, what I usually feel that I'm missing from Terry is the sentiment. He just doesn't get into it. He is much more romantic at obscure times (I usually can't predict when it will be) and doesn't like a day designated to be a romantic day.

Last night we went to Ruth's Chris Steakhouse. I didn't get any pictures because Terry would have thought I was nuts, so I restrained myself. We had been there before and only returned because we had a gift certificate to go there from Shari and Mark. It is a nice place, but very expensive!! Their smallest steak is $32.95! That is with NOTHING else! And we did get other things - don't worry! We did have a nice time and the food was very good. But I always leave there thinking of the children in Africa who are hungry when we just spent over $100. for one meal for two!!

I actually LIKE Valentine's Day. It makes me stop and think about how grateful I am to have Terry. Although he is certainly not a romantic, he is my best friend and I love him. He is always there for me and doesn't judge me - just loves me for who I am. We have been married for thirty-six years and I can't imagine what it would be like if he didn't come home at night or if didn't have him to talk to every night (and sometimes a couple times during the day). I am very thankful that the Lord has allowed us to be married all of these years (through thick and thin - and I don't mean my weight!). We have a lot of history together and a lot of memories! :)


Mom Jones said...

Perhaps it's men in general who rebel against "Hallmark" days. It must have been fun to bake in a heart-shaped pan :) I bet it turned out beautiful. And believe it or NOT (!) we have actually eaten at Ruth's Chris in Austin with Sabrina and Andrew (Andrew picking up the check!) and although the steak was juicier than any I have ever tasted in my life, the price of the food was horrifying! I completely agree about the children in Africa (or right here in Grand Rapids!) ~ but I'm glad you and Terry received that nice gift from Mark and Shari and had fun anyway. And I think Valentine's Day is a very nice day to remember the people we love and those who love us! I even got to talk on the phone to my Emma, Chris and Matthew last night, so ... let's keep those Hallmark days coming! :)
P.S. Nice picture of you and Terry!

Ruthanne said...

Thanks for writing, Carol. I like this way of staying in touch! I am spending quite a lot of time on the computer, though. I am finding more and more blogs to read! :)

Mom Jones said...

I like this way of keeping in touch too; I am an admitted blog addict! I like when I checked you this morning to see that you got to play with sweet Matthew, and I noticed this picture of you and Terry was larger and I liked it even better!

Q: How do you get your picture to show up on the comments in that cute little box? I like it very much and I've seen almost everyone else be able to do that, but when I post a comment, my mountain picture doesn't show up!