Tuesday, September 02, 2008

LABOR DAY 2008 - Frankenmuth and Birch Run

A Trip to Frankenmuth and Birch Run

Monday morning after we had slept in a bit and gotten dressed, Terry and I sat down on the couch to talk and we both decided that we didn't have anything to do that day and just didn't want to stay at home and work around the house. After all, it was so beautiful outside and it was our last summer holiday. So we tossed around ideas like going to the State Fair, the Romeo Peach festival or just going to the mall and to eat. But we decided in the end that even though it was already 10:00 A.M. that we could be at Frankenmuth by noon. So we just got in the car and headed off! What a gorgeous day it was!

All of the flowers and grounds looked beautiful. We arrived just in time for lunch at Zehnder's. We walked right in and got a seat right away. We thought it would be best to eat our big meal first and then walk it off while we walked around Frankenmuth and Birch Run.  

The meal was really delicious. We had chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, bread and rolls, relishes, dressing etc. As always at Frankenmuth, we had an excellent waitress. So we left stuffed and happy and ready to walk.

We looked at all of the shops in Frankenmuth - it is a beautiful place! Then we took off to do so serious shopping at Birch Run. We walked around Birch Run for about three or four hours and then left for the trip home. I really enjoyed just being with Terry on the trip there and back and the meal and all of the walking. It is so nice just to connect for awhile and get away. 

The end of the summer is just about here. It has been a really nice summer for us. We were able to get away several times this summer and enjoyed God's beautiful creation. We enjoyed the mountains on the way to North Carolina, the weather and ocean in Florida, an interesting Retailer's Show in Florida and we were able to go to North Carolina again to welcome a new granddaughter into the world. We feel very thankful and blessed! We look forward, too, to fall and all the beauty and color that it brings along with the cooler weather, but will look back on this summer as a happy, busy, and peaceful.

"Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom he gives. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts. And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, 
giving thanks through him to God the Father."
Colossians 3: 16,17

1 comment:

Mom Jones said...

I'm glad you and Terry were able to take advantage of a beautiful day and sneak away together! It sounds wonderful, all of your day! I hate to see this wonderful summer leave us ... even though I DO love the fall, and the winter too ... but I think this summer has just been perfect!