Thursday, September 11, 2008

Tiger Game with Friends

Yesterday was just one of those wonderful late days of summer that makes you sad for the end of the warm weather and yet welcoming of the cool, crisp days of autumn. It started out to be a very cool day, but warmed up through the day, and it was BEAUTIFUL!  Blue sky, fluffy clouds, a nice breeze - and a ball game!  :)  

We had tickets for a day game at Comerica Park. Terry took part of the day off and we invited a couple of our very favorite people to join us at the game. Often when we invite friends to join us, the game becomes secondary while we get to talk and catch up with what is going on in each other's lives. That is always fun to do - and we really enjoyed doing that with Cyndi and Mike! They are newer friends in our lives, but have impacted us so much with their love for the Lord and their daily trust in his provision in their lives. They are an inspiration to us and many others! We dearly love them. They have NINE children - all of them just the nicest people ever!

The TIGERS lost the game - but, that has been the story for much of the end of the season. It is always fun to go to Comerica Park, though - it is beautiful there. In spite of the loss, it was a fun day spent with people we enjoy and love. We don't get time to do enough of that and it was a pleasure!!

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