Monday, October 27, 2008

Happy Birthday, Shari!

You will always seem like our "little girl" even though you are certainly all grown up! You are beautiful to us - such a wonderful daughter, sister, wife and mom!

You have a wonderful husband who takes good care of you and we are so thankful for that since we don't get to see you much. I am having no luck in loading the picture of Shari with Esme!

You have given us such a precious granddaughter! We love Esme so much! We are so blessed to have you for our daughter and we love you very much.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Happy Birthday, Matthew!

How could three years have gone by so quickly? You have grown from a tiny baby into a "little boy"!  You have your own personality, likes and dislikes, and talents. You are a special boy and we are so thankful to the Lord that he allowed us to have you for our grandson! 

These are some favorite pictures of you from the past year. We feel fortunate to live so close and be able to have a part in your life! You make any day fun.

We already have some fun memories of times we have shared - the ocean, the parks, the zoo, days spent at our house, playing trains, racing cars, playing with stuffed animals, and reading lots of books.

One of our best memories will always be taking you to your first ballgames! You have become quite a baseball fan - the Tigers can be proud! Grandpa loves to have you at the ballgame with him. Last time we were there he almost fell down the stairs while holding you and trying to get a fly baseball at the same time!! For you, of course! :) And he got one! Thank goodness, he didn't fall!

Have a fun birthday. I hate to see our little grandson grow up, but I know you will be a wonderful "big boy" also!

This picture was taken by me one night at your house. We were playing ball in your front yard and Grandpa had been trying to teach you how to use a baseball bat. You would have none of it! But you loved playing!

I love your smile and your hugs! You are the best grandson ever! We love you and wish you a

Monday, October 20, 2008

New Esme Pictures!

Look at this little princess! She has it made!

These pictures are from their vacation a couple of weeks ago in St. Augustine, FL. They had a cottage right on the ocean.

Shari and Esme

Isn't she a sweetie?

We can't wait to see her and hold her again! She has gained about three pounds since we last saw her!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Birthday Party!

Matthew Turns Three!

Today we celebrated Matthew's third birthday with a party of family and some friends at his house. He was so excited! He picked out this cake himself. He loves baseball and has seen the American flag at baseball games at Comerica Park, so Shelley took him to pick out a cake and this is the one he wanted!  :) 

This car wasn't really a birthday present, but Bob was driving in the neighborhood one day this week and this car was being discarded. He stopped to see how much the man would charge for it and the man gave it to him for free. It runs on a rechargeable battery. Matthew is in this picture with Peyton, his cousin who was at his party.

Matthew got lots of presents. He wanted to play with all of them and would forget that he hadn't opened all of them yet. He loves using playdough and these were some tools for making things out of playdough.

Bob made sure he looked at all of the birthday cards that came with each present.

Matthew is just getting to the age where he is able to play some games. He got a couple of them for his birthday and he was very pleased.

It was a nice enough evening that the kids got to play outside for awhile while the adults visited. They were in and out and had a great time playing together.

One of his favorite presents was a set of wooden and plastic cars that have interchangeable parts which he got from his aunt who lives in Arizona.

We had appetizers, donuts and cider, pizza, salad, cake, and ice cream. Matthew had lots of family there - His Uncle Tom, Aunt Lisa, Cousin Breanna, Aunt Carol, Uncle Dave, Cousins Peyton, Karia, and Savannah. Terry and I were there, and some friends Amy and Dave Jacquemotte with their kids Avery and Lucas. Avery and Matthew are the same age and she is a special friend of his.

Here are Matthew and Avery looking at one of Matthew's presents.

It was a fun evening! Matthew loves having company and was just old enough this time to really know it was his birthday and was able to enjoy the presents and cake.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Yate's Cider Mill

Today was a beautiful fall Saturday! The weather was perfect - pleasantly warm and sunny! We started out the day by working a couple of hours in the kitchen where we are removing the wallpaper and paste that have been there for about twenty years. We are making good progress! At noon we got together with Shelley, Bob, and Matthew and went to lunch at Chelies. It is one of our favorite places and we had a great time visiting with Shel and Bob and playing with Matthew. Since it was such a great day, we decided to go to Yate's Cider Mill for part of the afternoon. Shelley and Bob and Matthew couldn't join us, but we went anyway.
It was VERY crowded!! We parked quite far away and walked. The line for cider was long, so we decided to walk along the river. It is always so beautiful there. While we were walking, we saw a little girl of about seven standing along the railing. She was alone and crying. She said she was lost. She knew which way her mom had headed, but had lost track of her. Another lady came up about that time and suggested that she call her mom on the lady's cell phone. She did that and a few minutes later her mom came up and just kind of grabbed her. I think the mom had been scared and just reacted out of embarassment and fear. 

These are some pictures of the scenery we saw today while walking along the river. Isn't it beautiful?

A young couple wanted us to take a picture of them, so they reciprocated and took a picture of us!

When we got back from walking along the river the line for cider was two or three times what it was before, so we had to give up the idea of getting cider today. So we bought our favorite tart apples (Empire) and started home. There won't be many more days like this! I know winter is coming and it is long, so we were thankful to have a day to just enjoy the beautiful fall season! God is good!

Thursday, October 09, 2008


Today was a beautiful autumn day - a day that would be hard to spend inside when you could be outside enjoying the cool breeze, the warm sun, the blue sky, and the gorgeous autumn trees!

It was a perfect day to go to George George Park - a beautifully landscaped place with two fountains, many bridges, creeks, ponds with geese, clean picnic areas, gardens, and beautiful TREES!

In the middle of the park is a children's Play Area. It is for climbing, swinging, sliding, and pretending. Shelley and I played with Matthew there for awhile before we ate our lunches on a picnic table under the shade of a beautiful old tree. For awhile we played on a black twine structure that looked like a spider web. We all had to be "spiders". Matthew knows that neither one of us likes spiders, so he let us be "little tiny" ones!

The trees are just beginning to turn colors and they are so beautiful! Here is a view across the park.
We crossed several bridges on a walk through the park. This was the view from one of the bridges of a little creek running through the property.

I don't know what happened to my frame around this picture - I did make one - but it is still a great picture of Shelley and Matthew at the top of one of the slides in the play area. Shelley actually went down the slide with Matthew and she is eight months pregnant!! She gets around very well, but it is getting tougher to keep up with an active almost three year old.

We stopped by a large pond to see all of the geese swimming in the water and getting food in the mud and grass. There were also some cute ducks.

Matthew was very nice to pose by this big pine tree. It kind of shows how little he is, but most of the tree got cut off.

Matthew was getting tired of pictures by this time, but we "snuck" this one  in. I wanted one that showed some trees in the background, but he would have nothing to do with any more pictures.

We had a great time - what a wonderfully beautiful place! Here is the pool around one of the fountains. There used to be a sign that said "No swimming!" in front of it. One day Terry and I were walking here and saw two girls actually swimming in this pool. Their mother had brought a change of clothes and towels to dry them when they got out. Go figure!!

Michigan is so beautiful in the autumn! I had a great time being outside. I am so grateful that we have these times together. I love my grandson very much - he's the best! Soon we will have another grandchild to love and play with -can't wait! :)

In the midst of all of the chaos in the world right now with the economic crisis and the crazy Presidential campaign, it struck me how peaceful it was at the park today and how peaceful we can feel in the middle of a world at unrest because we have a family who loves us and a God who holds us in his hand!