Monday, October 27, 2008

Happy Birthday, Shari!

You will always seem like our "little girl" even though you are certainly all grown up! You are beautiful to us - such a wonderful daughter, sister, wife and mom!

You have a wonderful husband who takes good care of you and we are so thankful for that since we don't get to see you much. I am having no luck in loading the picture of Shari with Esme!

You have given us such a precious granddaughter! We love Esme so much! We are so blessed to have you for our daughter and we love you very much.

1 comment:

Mom Jones said...

Hi sis! It looks like you got "spammed" on the prior comment. You can delete that comment as administrator of your blog if you want. I have done it many times on mine!

These are beautiful pictures of Shari ... she is lovely inside and out!