Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Happy Birthday, Matthew!

How could three years have gone by so quickly? You have grown from a tiny baby into a "little boy"!  You have your own personality, likes and dislikes, and talents. You are a special boy and we are so thankful to the Lord that he allowed us to have you for our grandson! 

These are some favorite pictures of you from the past year. We feel fortunate to live so close and be able to have a part in your life! You make any day fun.

We already have some fun memories of times we have shared - the ocean, the parks, the zoo, days spent at our house, playing trains, racing cars, playing with stuffed animals, and reading lots of books.

One of our best memories will always be taking you to your first ballgames! You have become quite a baseball fan - the Tigers can be proud! Grandpa loves to have you at the ballgame with him. Last time we were there he almost fell down the stairs while holding you and trying to get a fly baseball at the same time!! For you, of course! :) And he got one! Thank goodness, he didn't fall!

Have a fun birthday. I hate to see our little grandson grow up, but I know you will be a wonderful "big boy" also!

This picture was taken by me one night at your house. We were playing ball in your front yard and Grandpa had been trying to teach you how to use a baseball bat. You would have none of it! But you loved playing!

I love your smile and your hugs! You are the best grandson ever! We love you and wish you a

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