Saturday, November 01, 2008

Done by Thanksgiving??!!

Not only is our kitchen a mess, but so is our living room! Much of our stuff from the kitchen is thrown in there to make more room to work in the kitchen while we do a little remodeling. Nothing major - WE THOUGHT!

When we started the project of taking down our kitchen wallpaper at the end of September, I JOKED that I HOPED we'd have the kitchen painted and our floor refinished by Thanksgiving! Now it's coming back to haunt me - only three and a half weeks until Thanksgiving and now Shari and Esme' are coming a week and a half early!  :)  :(  Oh no!  

We are so happy to have them coming early so we get to spend some time with them, but we surely need to rush this job which is taking way longer than I expected. The wallpaper had been up for twenty years and did not come off easily. Then about 1/16 " of hard paste was left on the walls when the paper came off. That was even harder to get off and Terry hurt his neck and back scraping it off!! It took about a week and a half for him to be able to get back to working on the kitchen after going to the chiropractor about four or five times! :)

This is the state of our kitchen now. We actually have a gray primer on all of the walls! Yea! The ceiling needs to be painted yet and then I can paint the rest. I  am painting the top half a pretty gold color and the bottom half cream. Then we have to work on the floor which is trashed. It needs to be sanded, restained, and tung oiled. We have our work cut out for us!

I can't wait to get the house back together. A week or so with everything a mess is O.K., but it is now getting old and much too close to Thanksgiving. Speaking of Thanksgiving, we are so blessed to be having my sister and her husband, my nephew Dylan, our daughter Shari and son-in-law Mark, baby Esme, our daughter Shelley and son-in-law Bob, our grandson, Matthew, and my mom and her husband Roy all joining us for Thanksgiving! (Shelley is actually due to have her baby the week of Thanksgiving, so it could turn out to be interesting!) We will have a houseful and it will be fun. So we better get to work!! Happy Thanksgiving!


---------- said...

I'm ready! Put me to work! :-)

Ruthanne said...

You are too kind!! I am so sick of my kitchen being torn up!!! And the living room! I hate it. When Terry gets the ceiling painted on Tuesday, I will decide on a schedule to get it all done. So I may need you to help me paint or stain or something. You are so nice to offer. There is so much I wanted to get done by Thanksgiving and it just isn't getting done. But it has to! Thanks, Val. I will let you know as soon as I plan it all out.

Mom Jones said...

I wish I could tell you not to stress over all of this, but I would be stressing too! We are really really looking forward to Thanksgiving Day. Let's work out a way that I can be more helpful with bringing food this year ... maybe some fresh-baked bread, a yummy dessert and a nice salad? :)

Ruthanne said...

You can bring anything you want, Carol. Just let me know a couple of weeks ahead of time so that I know and don't plan on making the same thing. Anything you could make would be helpful, but wouldn't it be hard to bring some of that stuff in your car with everyone packed in? Mom should just let you drive her car! Not much chance of that, though. Terry's dad always let us drive his. It's just a car after all. Don't overestimate what you can bring because of having to leave early and not having much room in the car. Let me know.

Anonymous said...

I found the link to your blog through Shelley's blog...I was snooping for any baby news (and was thrilled to see pics of Shari's baby!). I just had to comment because I remember so well when you guys first re-did your kitchen, yep, about 20yrs ago, I remember it being tore apart for so long! Good luck with it, at least you aren't doing an entire remodel this time!