Sunday, December 07, 2008

Thanksgiving - Part I - Thanksgiving at Dad's

I have a lot of blogging to catch up on! I'll begin with Thanksgiving at Dad's house the Sunday before the actual Thanksgiving Day. We got to have dinner with Dad; Ken and Sandy; Barb, Ron, and Kristin; Rob, Melissa, and Kate; Shelley, Bob, and Matthew; and Shari and Esme. Ron and Barb made a couple of great kinds of lasagne and then we all pitched in with other food.

Here is Kristin with Rob and Kate (four months). Dad is sitting in his chair. He was at home for the day. He now lives at a nursing home in St. Clair Shores. 

The younger generation sat at this table and the "older generation" which includes Terry and me  :(  sat with Dad at another table. We had not been together in quite awhile and had a good time visiting and playing with Matthew, Kate, and Esme.

Below is a picture of "Grandpa Ken" with his granddaughter, Kate. Isn't she beautiful?

We were missing lots of people at this gathering and we did miss them, but it was a fun time and we were thankful to spend time with this side of the family for a special day. We were so blessed to have Shari and Esme with us. Shari hadn't been home for Thanksgiving for about six years! I think that I failed to get any pictures of Esme on this day. The poor girl was probably sick of pictures by then anyway!! 

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