Sunday, January 13, 2008

Boys Love Their Toys!

I think that most men never really grow up. I guess that is good. They all seem to have certain toys that interest them no matter how old they are. Now I like to play with toys also, but I don't buy them for myself! This Christmas Terry saw a toy that interested him so much that he just had to go buy it for himself for Christmas! We saw these remote controlled helicopters at Brookstone. On the box it said that these helicopters could be flown - in the house! A man wrote that! The first one he brought home just went in circles in the air and crashed into everything. The blade broke and it had to be taken back. But, of course, Terry had bought an insurance package on the helicopter, so he got a new one for free. He did much better with that one, but still had trouble controlling it, and it still crashed into walls and furniture. The best part about it was that he took it to church and flew it in the Gathering Space (better idea!), and Matthew got to come and watch. I just love the look of wonder and awe on Matthew's face in this picture!! Terry ended up taking that one back also and finally got one that worked!


Unknown said...

=) this one is funny!

love you, shel.

Anonymous said...

Nice Job, Ruthanne! -- I love the helicopter story. Oddly, this sounds so "Terry-like"!